LLNHGA Hole-in-One Pool Guidelines
We have suspended the Hole in One pool until someone wins. Not accepting new members.
The purpose of this pool is to provide insurance to anyone in the 9 Hole Golf Association that participates and scores a hole-in-one during a 9 Hole event as defined below. This will reduce the devastating blow of paying for drinks or anything else that the recipient feels compelled to purchase out of jubilation for such a prestigious accomplishment.
It was decided that we would have a tiered approach. That is, every year, participants would contribute $5 to the pool. Each year is a separate pool. If a new member upon joining wishes to contribute enough to cover prior years, she would be allowed to do that. Thus she would be eligible for the entire pool. Participants are only eligible for the pools to which they contributed.
The pool is open to any LLNHGA member in good standing. The LLNHGA Co-Presidents will keep track of the members and the various pools to which they are entitled should they hit a hole-in-one. This information will be shared with members at least once per year, preferably at the beginning of the season. The pool monies will be maintained by the LLNHGA Treasurer in the LLNHGA regular checking account, and designated as being for the hole-in-one pool. A separate LLNHGA bank account for the hole-in-one pool may be opened if deemed necessary.
Rules to Win:
1) Definition is any gross score of 1 from the yellow tee (or white or blue, not red), from any hole including par 3, 4, or 5 that is part of the Longshore Golf Course as played from the regular tee boxes (see exception in Rule #2). Mulligans and/or practice shots do not qualify as a hole-in-one. Should a player make a hole-in-one and play is not completed due to weather, injury or the like, the hole-in-one counts.
2) Temporary greens will not be accepted. However, temporary tees will be accepted as long as the hole is at least 100 yards long or at least as long as if played from the regular tee box.
3) If more than one hole-in-one is scored on the same day or same tournament, all hole-in-ones shall share the applicable pool(s).
4) Disputes will be resolved by a majority vote of the LLNHGA Co-Presidents, Vice President, Treasurer, and Handicap Chair.
5) The appropriate pools will be given to the participant that gets a hole-in-one in one event/round as defined in item 6. This will be provided by check from the Treasurer as soon as practical after the event. A new pool for that year may be started at the discretion of the Co-Presidents.
6) The events/rounds that qualify include all LLNHGA events and rounds of golf played on Thursday mornings at Longshore Golf Course during the LLNHGA official season. In other words, you must be playing with the 9 Holers on Thursday morning to win.
7) There are no refunds from this pool for someone that wants to or has to drop out.
8) The pay out for a hole-in-one is the pool or pools in which the winner participated.
9) Any member of the LLNHGA that gets a hole-in-one must not be playing alone. She must have a witness that agrees with the score of the hole.