ARTICLE I Name – The name of the association shall be the Longshore Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association.
ARTICLE II Object – The object of this association shall be to encourage proper play of golf and to enhance the joy of playing golf for women.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. Membership shall be limited to women who:
A. have paid their annual dues to the Longshore Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association.
B. have submitted two attested nine-hole scorecards from Longshore Golf Course. One attested eighteen-hole scorecard will count as two nine-hole scorecards for the purpose of meeting this requirement for membership. A new member who already has a GHIN handicap does not need to submit two scorecards.
Section 2. Application for membership can be made by filling out an application and submitting it to the Membership Chair along with the annual dues. Applications from new members must include two attested nine-hole scores. (At the discretion of the Membership Chair applications and checks may be held pending receipt of the two scorecards.) Members with nine-hole handicaps will carry over to the new season and do not need to submit two nine-hole scores.
Section 3. Members are responsible for reading and abiding by the USGA’s Rules of Golf.
ARTICLE IV Nominations and Elections
Section 1. The elective officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Membership Chair, Tee Time Chair, Events Chair, Handicap Chair, Webmaster Chair, and Publicity and Newsletter.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the elected officers. In July, the Secretary/Treasurer shall post a notice indicating the board positions which are available for the following season. Any member who is interested in serving on the board shall place her name next to the position she would like to hold. The Board of Directors will consider these expressions of interest when they determine a proposed slate of officers.
Section 3. The names of the persons nominated and the office to which each has been nominated by the Nominating Committee shall be listed with the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association at least fourteen (14) days before election and shall be posted on the bulletin board.
Section 4. The proposed slate of officers will be presented by the Secretary/Treasurer at the fall luncheon meeting for the approval of the members in attendance.
ARTICLE V Board of Directors
Section 1. The term of office shall begin with the installation of officers at the annual fall luncheon and extend until the installation of the new slate of officers the following fall. The term of office shall be two (2) years in the same Board position, with up to two (2) two (2) year extensions. If a Board position is filled due to a resignation after one year’s service, the new Board member will have the option to end their position after one year in order to have this position line up with the other Board positions.
Section2. The Board of Directors shall fill any vacancies occurring among the officers.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall be allowed to choose an allotted tee time at the beginning of the season. It is each officer’s responsibility to cancel her standing tee time as soon as possible if she knows she will not be using her tee time for that week. In addition, Board members may add one other member to her tee time.
ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers
Section 1. President. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors. She shall call a spring (coffee) meeting and a fall (luncheon) general meeting. She will be an advisor, assisting the Vice President with the fall luncheon and member/guest tournament. The President must be a resident of Westport and should attend the monthly Golf Advisory Committee meetings at Town Hall and represent the Association at other local meetings.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall discharge all duties of the President in her absence. She shall be the fall luncheon chairman and be responsible for all aspects of the member/guest tournament.
Section 3. Tee Time Chair. The Tee Time Chair shall be responsible for all aspects of the Leaderboard on-line tee time reservation system the association uses, including posting instructions with regard to events, tournaments, special events, sign-ups, etc and sending the final tee sheet to Longshore on each Wednesday by noon.
Section 4. Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Association and the Board of Directors. She shall have general charge of correspondence, send out notices at the direction of the President, and be responsible for the Association’s By-laws. In addition, the Secretary/Treasurer shall post notice of Board vacancies and present the proposed slate of officers to the membership at the annual fall luncheon. She shall receive and disburse all monies, keep the Association accounts and report such at meetings. She shall pay all bills authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Membership Chair. The Membership Chair shall collect all membership dues, along with two (2) Longshore 9-hole golf scores from new members (passing these on to the Handicap Chair), and maintain a list of paid members (passing a copy of this list on to the Webmaster Chair). She shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the membership’s e-mail address list used to distribute periodic updates to members and archive past memberships. She shall create accounts for new members on Leaderboard and merge accounts, if necessary. Membership Chair will also revise and send registration forms to present and archived past members, collect and verify acceptance of checks on Leaderboard, gate keep Leaderboard access requests, create and revise instructional Powerpoint to assist members, and pass along all board members’ communications to current members.
Section 6. Events Chair. The Events Chair shall be in charge of and supervise special weekly events, the Annual Charity Event and the annual Emily Buck and George Buck Tournaments, working closely with the Handicap Chair. She shall be in charge of the prizes. This position can be co-chaired.
Section 7. Handicap Chair. The Handicap Chair shall have charge of all handicaps, perform all duties connected with handicaps, and follow the USGA handicap system. She shall assist the Events Chair with tournaments that use handicaps.
Section 8. Webmaster Chair. The Webmaster Chair shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the Association’s website.
Section 9. Publicity/Newsletter Chair. The Publicity/Newsletter Chair shall be in charge of all publicity for the Association (such as submitting announcements to the local newspapers and online sites). She shall send out the Newsletter monthly and maintain the Association’s locker room bulletin board and outside bulletin board.
Section 11. Each chair may appoint her own committee.
ARTICLE VII Miscellaneous
Section 1. For tournament and event play, all members shall email to LLNHGAscorecards@gmail.com a picture of their signed, dated and attested score card and enter their score hole-by-hole into Leaderboard. For regular play, members are responsible for entering their scores hole-by-hole into Leaderboard.
Section 2. Prizes. To be eligible to be awarded Club Champion (determined at the George Buck Tournament) a member must have entered four nine-hole Longshore scores for rounds played on Thursdays with our Association prior to the date of the George Buck tournament.
Section 3. A member may sign up for herself and three other members.
Section 4. If a member finds that she needs to cancel her tee time, she must do so on the Leaderboard system by noon on Wednesday or her credit card may be charged with the cancellation fee implemented by Longshore Golf Course.
Section 5. Amendment of these By-Laws. A unanimous vote of the Board of Directors is required to amend these by-laws.
Revised 4/1/21